Home delivery

Progress isn’t made by early risers. It’s made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something

Robert Heinlein

We returned from our long summer break last week to find the car covered in a thick layer of dust. To my great surprise the engine started at the first attempt but there was almost no fuel in the tank. I might’ve just made it to the nearest petrol station, but nowhere is just a mile down the road in this city. Instead, we headed off on foot to our local cafe for a bite of lunch, went for a swim, chilled out at home and got an early night. The next morning, the car was sparkly clean and the tank full. A bit of Dubai magic!

Dubai takes home delivery services to a new level. Ordering is simple, usually via an app, so I can surreptitiously sort out the bottled water delivery while sitting in a meeting or order a pizza delivery from the school play ground. There is a most extraordinary array of products that I might want to order, things that I never thought I needed to have brought to my door. Dog grooming, children’s haircuts, car cleaning, petrol, and even ice blocks to cool the swimming pool.

Despite the excitement of all the slightly unnecessary items I might be able to order in, I still haven’t mastered the perfect grocery home delivery service. Nothing compares to the one-stop online shop of back home. Most of the time, I luxuriate in this new laziness, but sometimes I have to actually get off the sofa and go to the shops.

Author: Katie

I'm Katie, a wife, mother of two girls, doctor and housewife keeping the family calm and happy as we discover a new life as ex-pats in Dubai.

2 thoughts on “Home delivery”

  1. Brilliant! I took supermarket home delivery for granted until I didn’t have it anymore. A definite perk to being back in the uk, but we certainly don’t have car cleaning and refuelling home service!


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