The Swan

Gracefulness has been defined to be the outward expression of the inward harmony of the soul

William Hazlitt 

I have had a love of swans since my childhood when I adopted a Bewick swan, Moppet, from Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust and followed her annual migrations with her mate, Money. Swans are graceful and elegant. Watching swans gliding on the water instills a sense of peace and calm. Swans are strong and defensive of their young, being said to be capable of breaking a man’s arm with a swipe of their wing. They are also loyal mates, partnering for life.

As children, we spent a lot of time on the water, and were taught to respect the beauty and strength of the swans. We learnt to watch them from afar, bobbing about in our rubber dinghy and throwing our bread crusts for the coots and mallards.

I am now a swan in Dubai, trying to appear calm and graceful, protecting my family and elegantly gliding along when, under the surface, I’m frantically paddling to stay afloat!

Author: Katie

I'm Katie, a wife, mother of two girls, doctor and housewife keeping the family calm and happy as we discover a new life as ex-pats in Dubai.

One thought on “The Swan”

  1. Great childhood memories.
    I think you are doing incredibly with a complete change of pace and culture. So proud of you. Caroline xx


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