Driving in Dubai

Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost

Erol Ozan

It was the taxis that made me think that driving would be impossible here. We used them a lot in those first few days and I sat nervously in the back, watching the tall buildings rush by and witnessing manoeuvres that I knew I would never attempt. I was aware that the longer I left it, the more impossible it would seem, so on the third day I hired a little Chevrolet Spark, buckled the children in the back and set off to see if I could drive to the local supermarket and back without incident.

Now, hundreds of, not uneventful, kilometres later I feel quite at ease on the roads of the Emirates. These are my tips:

Drive on the right, unless you are a gardener on a bicycle.

Sat Nav, Google maps, Waze or all three at once.

Mirror, mirror, mirror, signal, mirror, mirror, mirror, manoeuvre

Be a middle lane driver on the highway

Don’t be in a rush

Take the wrong exit and expect to have a 12km detour to get back on track

A decent stopping gap will be filled by a car, or a bus

Consider joining all the SUVs skipping the traffic jams by bashing across the sand

Keep the fuel tank topped up

Keep calm

Author: Katie

I'm Katie, a wife, mother of two girls, doctor and housewife keeping the family calm and happy as we discover a new life as ex-pats in Dubai.

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